Privacy Policy


Hdafricandresss (here after referred to as “Hdafricandresss” , “Company” or “Our Company”) has always strived to protect the personal information of our customers. With the increase of collecting personal information from customers over the Internet through user registration, prize programs, user surveys, etc., properly managing and protecting our customers’ personal information is even more important.

Our Company has established this Privacy Policy, and we pledge to manage Our Company’s Websites for our customers to be safe and enjoyable by diligently pursuing the prevention of unauthorized use, disclosure, modification, etc. of the personal information provided by our customers.

Definition of Personal Information

Personal Information refers to any information that is provided to Our Company that may be used to identify an individual such as a first and last name, a home or other physical address, a telephone number, an email address, or any information that uniquely identifies the individual.

Collection Of Personal Information

When Hdafricandresss collects personal information over the Internet, we do so under the basic rule that such information is voluntarily provided through your registration. Hdafricandresss will collect personal information only to the extent that is necessary to accomplish the purpose for which we Our Company is collecting the information, which purpose will be explicitly disclosed. If you do not wish to provide (register) the personal information we seek, you may decline to do so at your sole discretion. In such cases, however, you may not be able to access some of the services Our Company offers through our company’s Websites.

Purpose And Limitation Of Use Of Personal Information

When we ask for personal information (registration), we will disclose in advance the purpose for collecting and the method of using the information and then collect the information within the limitation that is appropriate. A general rule limits the use of personal information to the following: To provide the merchandise or service that you desire.

To improve our service to you.

To provide information about new merchandise or service to you.

Additionally, please be advised that there are possibilities of other uses of personal information as a statistical data in forms in which the data can not be personally distinguished.

Rule On Nondisclosure Of Personal Information To Third Parties

Our company will not disclose any personal information provided (registered) to us to third parties, except in the following cases:

You Have Consented To Disclose Your Personal Information To A Third Party.

Your personal information must be disclosed to our affiliate, subsidiary or subcontractor with whom we have a confidentiality agreement in order to accomplish the purpose for which the personal information was collected including, but not limited to, instructing a shipping service provider to ship any prize you may win..)

Your personal information has been processed into statistical data that will not disclose your identity.

The disclosure of such information is required by law.

Use Of Direct Mail

Hdafricandresss will not use any name, e-mail address, physical address, etc. provided to us without your consent except to instruct a shipping service provider to ship any prize you may win. However, if you have specifically given consent at the time of registration, Hdafricandresss reserves the right to use your e-mail address to send you information such as announcing your winning of a prize.

Reference, Correction Or Deletion Of Personal Information

When you wish to refer to the personal information in our possession or to correct or delete such information, you must contact us through the inquiry channel through Our Company’s stated procedures. After verification of the identity of the person making the request, Hdafricandresss will disclose to you or correct/delete your information within a reasonable period of time.

Customer Assistance Center

If you wish to check your personal information, please contact the department that responded to your inquiry, or the contact details given to you by Our Company when you provided your personal information.

If you do not know who to contact, or if you wish to make an inquiry about personal information that you provided on our website, please use the inquiry form in the contact us portion of the website.

Management Of Personal Information

Hdafricandresss’s Website administrator maintains stringent management of all personal information that has been collected, and appropriate measures are taken to prevent unauthorized use, disclosure, or modification of the information. When specific terms of use are posted on the Website, , including, but not limited to, registering for email subscriptions, such terms of use shall take precedence over this Privacy Policy.

Handling Of Personal Information

When you make an inquiry, ask for catalogs, or when Our Company solicits participants etc., you are requested to enter your personal information on our website. Hdafricandresss endeavors to protect personal information by implementing appropriate security control measures based on this Privacy Policy.

In cases other than those mentioned above, you may visit Our Company website without the need to disclose personal information.

Use Of Web Beacons

Web beacons are embedded in some pages of our website to check how many times specific pages have been accessed. The statistical data obtained using web beacons is used to improve our website. Advertisements, etc., for websites operated by our partner companies may be displayed based on your browsing history on our website.

Use Of Access Log

When you use Our Company’s website, the access log, including your IP address, is recorded. This information is used to monitor access to Our Company’s website, and is not used to identify users, except for pages that require user authentication.

Personal Information At Third-Party Websites

Hdafricandresss will not be responsible in any way for the collection of personal information at websites operated by other companies that are introduced on our website.

Other Understandings

Our Company strives to protect your personal information always. However, Hdafricandresss cannot and does not guarantee the security of any information when it is being transmitted to us. Each customer must assume responsibility for secure data transmission. Hdafricandresss urges you to take all applicable precautions regarding data security while connected to the Internet. Hdafricandresss reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective at the time the revised Privacy Policy is posted on Our Company Website.

Your Consent

By using our site, you are consenting and agreeing to our website’s privacy policy.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy you may contact us at: